delivery methods
IPD can deliver your project one of several ways, each having its own benefits. Below are the four most common delivery methods we use. The descriptions provide a high-level overview of how each method works. We encourage a discussion with us to determine the best path forward for your project. So give us a call!
Considered the ‘traditional’ model. The design team usually contracts directly with the owner to generate sealed construction documents that are issued to multiple contractors for competitive bidding. The owner selects the contractor they wish to work with. The design team usually continues with construction administrative services to the owner, often overseeing construction to verify the contractor is building in accordance with the design documents.
Most often involves the owner contracting with a single entity, usually the contractor, to deliver a project in its entirety. The design team is most often hired by the contractor. Interactions between the design-build team and the owner are usually coordinated through the contractor. The drawings are sometimes less detailed than a design-bid-build project, but not always.
Similar to design-build, except the design firms are hired by the contractors or their sub-contractors to provide specific design services, sometimes up to and including sealed construction drawings. The drawings are usually less detailed than a design-bid-build project.
Permit lEvel Design
Regardless of who’s hiring the design team, the deliverables are focused on code compliance with enough content provided for the stamping professional to feel comfortable sealing the drawings. Finite project details and coordination between trades are often not included.
Example Project Timeline
