Greenpac Mill
New Paper Mill, Niagara Falls, NY
Completed 2013
435,000 SF
IPD Engineering
VIP Structures
VIP Architectural Associates
Greenpac’s new 435,000 SF facility was constructed at a cost of $430 million on a Brownfield site located adjacent to an existing Norampac facility, which required remediation of radioactive soils at a cost of $7 million.
The new mill manufactures lightweight linerboard made with 100% recycled fibers on a single machine having a width of 328 inches and an annual production capacity of 540,000 short tons. The machine is one of the largest of its kind in North America.
The building and machinery were designed for optimal energy efficiency and many operations are automated. Also, process water is being treated and reused in order to reduce consumption as much as possible. The state-of-the-art management system for recycled fibers will have a positive effect on the environmental performance of the mill.